Saturday 23 October 2010

A Toast To The Mother-In-Law!

On my way home from university, while I was reading the paper, I found an interesting article about Laura Hadland's gift for her mother-in-law's birthday. She turned a photo of her mother-in-law into the world's largest toast mosaic - comprising 9,852 slices. Laura and 40 friends used a battery of nine toasters to brown the slices from 600 loaves to varying degrees before arranging them to make the 32ft 8in by 42ft 3in image at an arts venue. Laura said "it's a birthday card like no other". "As a curator, I spend lots of time with Roman mosaics so it was great fun to make a modern one out of my favourite food". The mosaic garnered a new Guinness World Record title, beating a Dutch effort made in February. I'm a fan of making work by recycling things, so I found this really fun to read about and want to try this method of making an image myself.

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